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Students intending to participate in an exchange at Nagoya University are requested to apply to NUPACE online at https://nupace.iee.nagoya-u.ac.jp/apply/. All applicants are asked to note that, in order to be qualified for admission to NUPACE, they must, in advance, secure a nomination from the International Office of their home institution.
When applying students will be asked to upload some documentation in a PDF format; hence, preparation of the relevant materials in advance of the closing dates stipulated below is important.
- Study Plan/Research Plan
(1) Undergraduate and Graduate credit-seeking students
Provide a concrete description of your academic interests. This should contain courses of interest and a specific description of your academic goals at your prospective school of affiliation at Nagoya University. (Refer to the NUPACE course overview at https://nupace.iee.nagoya-u.ac.jp/en/academic/course/overview.html, for links to syllabi.)
Use the designated NUPACE form (Word)
(2) Research students
Detailed research plan outlining your research goals/methods at Nagoya University. This should include the name of your desired faculty advisor or a laboratory of your interest.
Use the designated NUPACE form (Word).
(3) Clinical Practice Short-term Training Students (undergraduate) and Research Students (graduate)
Provide a concrete description of your academic interests. This should contain a specific description of your academic goals at your prospective school of affiliation, and courses of interest, if any. Use the designated NUPACE form (Word) - Official transcript of academic records to be issued in English by the institution presently being attended and, for transfer students, institutions of higher education previously attended. Graduate students should submit academic records for both undergraduate and graduate studies. If possible students should include an explanation of the grading policy and/or grading scale of their home institutions, or provide the NUPACE Office with a link to the relevant website.
- Study Plan/Research Plan
- Official certificate of enrolment as a student to be issued in English by the institution presently being attended.
- Score sheet of internationally-recognised language proficiency test. NUPACE requires exchange students to be proficient in either English OR Japanese. Unless they attend universities where English is the language of instruction, non-native English speakers must possess a TOEFL iBT score of 79, an IELTS overall band score of 6.0, a TOEIC score of 780, a CEFR average grade of B2, a CET-6 score of 485, or the equivalent. (Students enrolled in universities in Scandinavia, The Netherlands, Germany, Austria, Singapore, and Hong Kong, as well as students majoring in English are exempt from this requirement.) Students intending to take regular university courses instructed in Japanese must possess N1/Level 1 of the Japanese Language Proficiency Test (JLPT).
- Health certificate: Students are requested to use the designated NUPACE Health Certificate form available on the application site.
- Copy of the information page of the applicant’s passport, where available.
- Identical photograph: Solid-colour background, showing a close-up of the applicant’s full head and upper shoulders. The digital data should be uploaded onto the NUPACE online application site. Sunglasses/tinted glasses, or headwear should not be worn, unless this is for religious or medical reasons.
- Declaration of Applicable Specific Categories*
*Only relevant to graduate students majoring or researching in the natural or applied sciences, engineering, and medicine, or those graduate students who are engaged in interdisciplinary studies, which include science-based components.In accordance with clarification of the scope of control for ‘deemed exports’ under the Foreign Exchange and Foreign Trade Act (FEFTA), provision of sensitive technology to students by universities has become subject to restriction. Accordingly, students applying to Nagoya University are required to submit a Declaration of Applicable Specific Categories.
Referring to the Flowchart for Determining Applicable Specific Categories, complete the Declaration and upload it onto the online application system. Applicants may also be required to submit a ‘Letter of Confirmation’ after the official results are announced. Where applicable, they will be contacted separately by email. Details of regulations on technology transfer are available here.
- Declaration of Applicable Specific Categories*
- Statement of bank account balance or scholarship. (This requirement applies to those students who intend to participate in NUPACE even if they are not nominated by Nagoya University for a Student Exchange Support Program scholarship. Students applying for a one-semester exchange should attach a bank balance or scholarship certificate verifying that they have funds equivalent to JPY 500,000; students applying for a one-year exchange need to verify that they have JPY 1,000,000. The bank account may be held in the name of the applicant, or a close family member.)
Nomination Deadlines
International offices of Nagoya University’s partner institutions are requested to upload a list of their nominees for an exchange at Nagoya University onto the NUPACE website by the following dates:
NB. Partner institutions will be provided with a link and access code one month prior to the nomination deadline.
Mid-September Admission 2025: | Saturday, 1 March 2025 |
Early April Admission 2026: | Wednesday, 1 October 2025 |
Application Deadlines
The online application process must be completed, with all required documents uploaded, by the following dates:
Mid-September Admission 2025: | Saturday, 15 March 2025 |
Early April Admission 2026: | Wednesday, 15 October 2025 |
Important Notes:
- As many partner institutions conduct a preliminary screening process for the purpose of selecting exchange students, it is strongly recommended that you consult with the International Office of your home university well in advance of the NUPACE application deadlines.
- If you encounter any problems with the NUPACE online application system, please contact the NUPACE Office at nupace-admissions@t.mail.nagoya-u.ac.jp or +81-52-788-6119. Make sure to write subject when sending your enquiries.
Notification of Results:
The results of the preliminary document screening examination, as conducted by Nagoya University (and separate from the scholarship screening), will be made available to students as follows:
Mid-September Admission 2025: | Mid-June 2025 |
Early April Admission 2026: | Mid-January 2026 |
Students shall be officially notified of the results of their nomination for a JASSO “Student Exchange Support Program (Scholarship for Short-term Study in Japan)” by Nagoya University as follows:
Mid-September Admission 2025: | Late August 2025 |
Early April Admission 2026: | Late April 2026 |
Application Flowchart
March 1: Closing date for nominations
March 15: Closing date for applications
Late April: 1st screening examination by university committee
Early May: Successful applications sent to Schools for 2nd screening
Mid-June: Notification of application results (e-mail)/despatch of pre-arrival info
Early August: Despatch of COEs and admission letters (e-mail)
Late August: Notification of JASSO scholarship results
Mid-September: Students’ arrival at Nagoya University!
October 1, 2025: Closing date for nominations
October 15: Closing date for applications
Mid-December: 1st screening examination by university committee
Late December: Successful applications sent to Schools for 2nd screening
Mid-late January 2026: Notification of application results (e-mail)/despatch of pre-arrival info
Early March: Despatch of CoEs, and admission letters (e-mail)
Early April: Students’ arrival at Nagoya University!
Late April: Notification of JASSO scholarship results
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